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How will a website benefit my small business?

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In our modern, increasingly digital world, the internet is the primary source of information for most people. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that people will be searching for your business online.

Just like an attractive shop front, or friendly staff, a good website will help you attract customers and retain them. It can be the difference between a great first impression, or a poor experience that puts people off before they ever make contact.

A website can have a significant impact on company success. So, it’s important to have a presence online, but it’s no longer enough just to have a pretty webpage. You need your website to work on your behalf, attract new customers and help catapult your business forward.

Here, we’ve compiled our favourite reasons as to how, and why, a website will benefit your small business.

Reason 1: It makes it easy for potential customers to find you.

It’s a fact that a fantastic presence online can have a significant impact on the bottom line of your business. A website that conveys your services, allows visitors to make purchases or one that showcases your personality and previous work experience can do wonders.

In a digital landscape, your website is just like your shop front. It’s the first thing people will see when they’re researching what you offer and will hopefully provide enough information for them to make contact.

Reason 2:  It builds credibility and trust in your business.

An actively updated website shows you are a legitimate organisation, one that’s fully operational, and that you take both your business and clients seriously.

In an increasingly complex world of consumer choice, a professional website can instil trust. If a potential customer cannot find you online, they may consider it a sign that you are no longer trading, or worse, relevant.

Reason 3: It forms the hub of any online marketing.

Even if you’re not planning any right now, a website is fundamental to any PPC, social media, or digital marketing activity.

Linking your pages to online marketing campaigns will promote your business faster, and for longer, in comparison to traditional print advertising. Referring to your website from your social media channels and vice versa can increase traffic and exposure in both places too.

Reason 4: It acts as your online portfolio.

Your website can act like a digital showcase of your work. Explaining to website visitors what you do (and what you don’t), will help you attract new customers because they are genuinely interested in your offering. It’s better to attract those who you can help, or who align with your values, rather than lots of people you can’t or don’t want to work with.

The services page of your website is likely to be the busiest one. It should showcase just what you do, and why someone would want to do business with you. Use these pages wisely.

Reason 5: It’s the fastest way to convert prospects into leads.

Ultimately, you need your website to do four things for you. To convert visitors to prospects, prospects to leads, leads into customers and customers into loyalists.

Not everyone wants to contact a company in the same way, so providing multiple methods for people to act on your website is your best bet. Offer online enquiry forms, chat boxes, email addresses and physical location information to encourage more people to enquire, sign up, or travel further along your sales funnel.

Reason 6: It acts as your 24/7/365 salesperson (and is your most important member of staff).

No matter how much you love your business, it’s impossible to be out there, selling your wares 24/7/365. But, with a website you always have a presence. It is always waiting for visitors and encouraging them to make an enquiry at any time of the day – even when you’re not working.

Done effectively, it will answer people’s questions, speak to both consumers and investors, and provide enough validation to deliver results. Need we say more?

Reason 7: It differentiates you from your competition.

Setting yourself apart from your competition is obviously vital in an increasingly noisy marketplace. Your website can tell the world how you do things differently from everyone else.

Make sure you spend some time thinking up, and trying to convey, your unique selling points, and if you don’t have any – create them. Decide what makes you and your business different, and better than anyone else.

Reason 8: It’s an important business asset.

We’re not accountants but owning a powerful lead generation and marketing tool is an asset to any business. It can contribute to increased business turnover, add value, and help grow your customer base.

If you can reasonably expect your website to help you directly generate income over the coming years with calls to action, lead generation or e-commerce functionality then you can regard it as a fixed asset on your balance sheet.

The Octima Takeaway.

Whether your business has a high-street presence, operates from home or is strictly online, having a great website is one of the most fundamental tools that you need. It has the capacity to boost your sales and your bottom line and works for you even while you’re sleeping. If you don’t know where to start when it comes to websites, talk to us. We can help you navigate getting quotes, sitting through pitches, and help you work out a plan to ensure you get just what you want, as well as what you need, without paying too much for it. That’s the Octima way.

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