Why do I need it?

In today’s competitive market, effective marketing is essential for business success, yet many new businesses struggle to navigate this complex landscape. To help get you off the mark, Octima offers the Kickstart Marketing Kit, designed for businesses at the start of their marketing journey.

What’s included?

This all-in-one package includes tailored marketing strategies, professionally designed templates, and delivery of proven marketing tactics, ensuring all businesses great and small can confidently present their brand to potential customers.

Will it suit my business?

Whether you’re a startup or an established company seeking to enhance your marketing efforts, the Kickstart Kit provides the perfect foundation for growth and success.

All it takes is 5 simple steps…

Step 1

Initial Consultation and Brand Analysis

Step 2

Strategic Planning and Tool Setup

Step 3

Message and Brand Planning

Step 4

Campaign Launch and Engagement

Step 5

Performance Analysis and Optimisation

Sound interesting?

Find out if the Kickstart Kit is for you…

Step 1: Initial Consultation and Brand Analysis

Clarity of your business offering, target audience, and marketing goals.

A face-to-face or virtual meeting to learn about your business, objectives, target audience, unique selling points, and competitors.

Review of current brand positioning, messaging, and visual identity.

Market research project to gather insights on industry trends, customer preferences, and competitive landscape.

Step 2: Strategic Planning and Tool Setup

Your tailored marketing strategy and set up necessary marketing tools.

Marketing Strategy Development: A detailed marketing strategy that outlines the tactics, channels, and timelines to achieve the client’s goals.

Tool Setup: Set up essential marketing tools, including: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, email marketing platform, social media management tools, analytics and reporting tools

Content Calendar: A content calendar to plan and schedule upcoming marketing activities.

Step 3: Message and Brand Planning

Guide to your brand message and development of compelling content.

Message refinement: Craft clear and consistent brand messages that resonate with the target audience.

Content creation: Develop key marketing materials, such as: website copy, social media posts, blog articles, email newsletters

Visual Identity: Ensure all content aligns with your brand identity and visual guidelines.

Step 4: Campaign Launch and Engagement

Your bespoke marketing plan and launch of initial campaigns.

Campaign Setup: Set up and configure marketing campaigns across selected channels (e.g., social media, email, PPC).

Launch Execution: Implement the launch plan, including posting content, sending emails, and running ads.

Engagement: Monitor and engage with the audience across different platforms to build relationships and foster community.

Step 5: Performance Analysis and Optimisation

Measurement of the success of marketing activities for future guidance.

Data Collection: Data gathered from all marketing activities and tools.

Performance Analysis: Analysis of key metrics to assess the effectiveness of the campaigns.

Optimisation: Provide actionable insights and recommendations for improving future campaigns.

Reporting: Deliver a comprehensive performance report, highlighting successes and areas for improvement.

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